Friday, February 1, 2013

On a mission to lose my wobbly bits

I am on a get fit and lose 6 kg of wobbly bits. I have had enough of my wobbly bits that I have accumulated over the last few years from a variety of reasons from getting a little older, from over indulging, from being an emotional eater i.e. get stressed or depressed and I reach for the salty snacks and a glass of wine and the stress I endured 2011 didn't help, it only made it a lot worse. So I have been eating a little less and better (although my usual diet is pretty healthy), drinking a little less wine and exercising more. I have gone out walking with the dogs 3 times this week. Go me! Rusty one of our dogs also needs to lose weight (Vet's recommendation). I am not willing to go on the scales yet because it just hasn't been long enough yet, but we weighed Rusty this morning and he hasn't lost any weight.......he is eating half the amount of food and walking a lot more, I did notice that he isn't snoring as much or as loud though. I just hope there will be better results for me (and I don't mean in the snoring department). Any way I just thought I would share it with you coz while I was out for a walk this morning I kept thinking to myself I really need to blog and I really would like to blog about my new goal because I feel that if I have typed it up here for anyone to see then I am accountable for it, and I will stick to it. I know that my shins will either get trim (not that they need trimming) or give up on me because I can really feel it in them while walking up those hills of Metung,  I just hope the rest of me trims up too. There is no such thing as a leisurely walk at Metung.


  1. Good luck with losing the wobbly bits, both you and the dog. x

    1. Thanks, I hope I will do as we'll as you are doing.


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