Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Veggie Beds

We now at last have some veggie beds and I have planted some seedlings that include, beetroot, red onion, spring onion, leek, carrot, spinach, snow peas and broccoli. Hope they grow...they have benefited from the rain we have had lately which is great. Can't wait to harvest chemical free, healthy veggies.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Plantings, cuttings and a new farm

I spent time in the garden today separating some of my plants to make more plants, I also took cuttings from the lavendars and a ground cover I have that has gone absolutely mad but in a good way. Hopefully all will take and we will end up with loads of plants to start our garden. Also have a look at the veggie has grown...some didnt' take but others did and I am quite pleased. Oh I almost forgot to tell you, we bought a little farm today...haha....a worm farm. Can't wait for the fantastic stuff they produce and be able to put it on my real veggie garden (to come later). Take a look at the pics.